Seeking Justice after a Serious or Fatal Tire Blowout or Tire Failure
For victims of a defective tire crash due to a blowout or other kind of tire failure, it is vital that investigation begin as soon as possible regarding the cause of the crash and those who share responsibility and legal liability.
In every tire crash, the tire itself needs to be safeguarded and protected for later examination.
Experts in automobile reconstruction as well as automotive tire manufacturing and design will need to inspect the tire. Their thorough examination will be able to provide evidentiary support for legal claims that the existence of a defect in the tire caused the accident.
Experienced Tire Attorneys
Wigington Rumley Dunn & Blair LLP represents accident victims who have been seriously injured or killed due to a flawed or defective product, such as a tire that blows out or otherwise fails and causes a serious accident.
In his product liability practice, partner David Rumley specializes in defective tire litigation. He has handled more than 100 tire cases across the United States against all of the major tire companies.
For more information regarding Tire Blowouts and Tire Failure, please review our settlement history and read summaries of some of our past cases.