Areas of Practice
We limit our focus exclusively to serious personal injury matters, because our passion is advocating for individuals who have been victims of negligence or malice, especially those who have been victimized by large corporations motivated by greed.
At Wigington Rumley Dunn & Blair LLP, we are proud that our clients build relationships with our attorneys and support staff. Our clients can count on a level of excellence in our professional efforts. They also enjoy open and clear communication at all stages of their case; we invite and encourage clients to stay in the loop with us as things progress.
Everyone at Wigington Rumley Dunn & Blair LLP shares a sincere concern about the circumstances in which our clients find themselves in the aftermath of an accident. Victims and their families can be overwhelmed. Coping with daily life can be very difficult for loved ones who have had to face a tragedy like a severe injury or death caused by the actions of another.
We consider compassionate representation to be a part of our record of success.

"This law firm is committed to achieving success for the clients and counsel who trust us with their cases."
Joseph Dunn
For more information, please review our verdict and settlement history and read summaries of some of our past cases.