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Detroit News: $225M Verdict against Ford Motor Company

Jun 06, 2019

The Detroit News covered the combined $225,000,000 jury verdict against Ford Motor Company over a deadly rollover accident involving a Ford F-150 four-door super cab.

“The verdict is believed to be the first time that a jury linked roof deformation to occupant ejection in a rollover accident.”

During the rollover accident, the driver side doors opened, causing Paul Alaniz, the driver, and Laura Benavidez, who was seated directly behind the driver, to be ejected from the truck. The surviving family members brought a product liability suit against Ford Motor Company, alleging that the F-150 four-door super cab was defectively designed in that the vertical support structure, or B pillar, had been removed in the design of this vehicle.

It was clearly a survivable accident if the doors had stayed closed,” said Jeff Wigington, attorney for the Alaniz family.